Monday, November 17, 2014

Flat Earth Republic - Repeat Telecast




"...At the stroke of midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom..."

I knew that Nehrujee was a Fabian Socialist but didn't know that he was a member of the 3000-strong Flat Earth Society; otherwise that bloomer of the world sleeping when India is "at the stroke of midnight hour" wouldn't have been there...maybe his self-acclaimed "Tryst with Destiny" speech-writer M. O. Mathai was.

Today is the Republic Day we all rejoiced in our school days because we got a pocketful of toffees for keeps for distributing one each among the residents of the Malawada (slums of the Harijans) free.

Had a hectic day...good night midnight!


...Posted by Ishani


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