Saturday, September 19, 2015

Healthy Homework


Mom: Come, dear, let us sit down with your homework

Girl kid: Ok dear!

Mom: Copy the following words in cursive writing

Girl kid: Yes

Mom: Oh, dear! Your mam forgot to put the 'h' at the end of this word: 'healt'. Write h..e..a..l..t..h

Girl kid: No, mom! I will just copy whatever my mam wrote

Mom: But there is no word like healt

Girl kid: Doesn't matter

Mom: Why don't you listen to me?...I am also a mam

Girl kid: You may be a mam, but you are not my mam

Mom: Ok then, I won't ever help you with your homework

Girl Kid:

...Posted by Ishani


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mother's are the 1st teachers