
I wish you make more trips back to IIT KGP so that you get more remembrances to share with us
Everyone of us have their own priorities, and seek their own destiny. Some feel contented while others leave with a bitter taste. I guess both he and me belong to the first category. Indeed one of the unspoken (and outspoken) queries to me and my wife in our recent visit there was: "Why are you jokers so happy?"
I saw Sikandsaheb for a good 25 years. He never did what he considered below his dignity. He was offered an instant promotion the day he joins the then HoD in joint guidance for a Ph.D. student. He refused point blank. Same with me.
But my luck differed from his.
He may not have conquered but he never compromised.
Thank You and Best Regards
I just discovered your blog from a IIT KGP friends Facebook update and I am very happy to have located this. I have read your post regarding Prof. Sikand. I never had the chance of interacting with him or be his student. But I know this that you were one of my most inspiring teachers and guide and if prof. Sikand has inspired you then all my respects to him.
Today I am a theoretical physicist because several of my teachers inspired me with their commitment, courage and example and above all with a vision of unparalleled beauty that was so addictive and you
Sir was one of the most prominent of all these legendary teachers.
It is said that the debt of Parents and Teachers can never be repaid. But I think otherwise, there is a way to repay this debt and that is to carry on their commitment conviction and impart their vision of beauty to your own students. I am happy Sir that I am able to do this.
With my sincerest regards and respect
Your's Gautam
Gautam Sengupta
Dept. of Physics
IIT Kanpur
Anurag Gupta
IIT Kharagpur Campusite
Graduate from BTech CS in 1988
Past President
IMA, TN State