Tuesday, January 8, 2013

'Minor' Alterations



Here is a piquant news item from ToI Page 13 Saturday 5 January 2013:

"In a rare move, some 60 Chinese journalists from Guangdong province's Southern Weekly are openly confronting state censors after the daily, known for its edgy reporting, was forced to change a New Year editorial calling for political reform into a tribute praising the Communist Party..."

This reminded me of the days of Indira Gandhi's infamous Emergency which was nearest to autocracy Free India witnessed for over 21 months during 1975-77.

A few newspapers were bold enough to criticize Indira and her neo-dictatorship, daring imprisonment a la several of her political opponents. Indian Express was the first among them. There was a dictat from the Babus that all editorials must conform and praise the Emergency and the need for it. Indian Express refused to toe. And then its editorials were 'corrected' by the Babus. 

Next day onwards Indian Express chose to leave its Editorial Columns BLANK! This was a totally unexpected challenge for the Babus and they rebuked its editor who refused to budge. Then on the Babus themselves were forced to write its editorials. Some fun!

Here is our Autocrat's experience of 'mild censorship'....the author's words are in the first square brackets like [nectar] and the changed words are in the second, like [logwood]:

"Here is a little poem I sent a short time since to a committee for
a certain celebration.  I understood that it was to be a festive
and convivial occasion, and ordered myself accordingly.  It seems
the president of the day was what is called a "teetotaller."  I
received a note from him in the following words, containing the
copy subjoined, with the emendations annexed to it.
"Dear Sir,--your poem gives good satisfaction to the committee.
The sentiments expressed with reference to liquor are not, however,
those generally entertained by this community.  I have therefore
consulted the clergyman of this place, who has made some slight
changes, which he thinks will remove all objections, and keep the
valuable portions of the poem.  Please to inform me of your charge
for said poem.  Our means are limited, etc., etc., etc.
Yours with respect,"
Come! fill a fresh bumper,--for why should we go
While the [nectar] [logwood] still reddens our cups as they flow?
Pour out the [rich juices] [decoction] still bright with the sun,
Till o'er the brimmed crystal the [rubies] [dye-stuff] shall run.
The [purple glebed clusters] [half-ripened apples] their life-dews
have bled;
How sweet is the [breath] [taste] of the [fragrance they shed]
[sugar of lead]!
For summer's [last roses] [rank poisons] lie hid in the [wines]
That were garnered by [maidens who laughed through the vines.]
[stable-boys smoking long-nines.]
Then a [smile] [scowl], and a [glass] [howl], and a [toast]
[scoff], and a [cheer] [sneer],
For all [the good wine, and we've some of it here] [strychnine and
whiskey, and ratsbane and beer]
In cellar, in pantry, in attic, in hall,
[Long live the gay servant that laughs for us all!] [Down, down,
with the tyrant that masters us all!]
The company said I had been shabbily treated, and advised me to
charge the committee double,--which I did.  But as I never got my
pay, I don't know that it made much difference.  I am a very
particular person about having all I write printed as I write it.
I require to see a proof, a revise, a re-revise, and a double re-
revise, or fourth-proof rectified impression of all my productions,
especially verse.  A misprint kills a sensitive author.  An
intentional change of his text murders him.  No wonder so many
poets die young!"



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