Tuesday, October 13, 2009

gps’s ‘Depression’ One-liners for the Wise and the Otherwise


1. Depression is not madness; it is life-threatening sadness.

2. Depression can hit introverts, extroverts, perverts; and even stalwarts like Lincoln.

3. All are prone to Depression: men, women, transsexuals, heterosexuals and metrosexuals; they just bide their chance.

4. Depression is as hereditary as libido or the lack of it.

5. Depression can hit the toothy as well as the toothless.

6. Post-Depression life is like the post-marital: once bitten twice shy.

7. Taken sportingly, Depression is cathartic and not pathetic.

8. Those who haven’t gone through Depression are like kids who haven’t yet known that the tool is a two-in-one device.

9. The rich are as prone to Depression as the poor, the bold, the beautiful and the ugly…...it is the greatest leveler after Death.

10. Mild Depression is like mild Virginity.…there is no such thing.

11. You can’t buy genuine Depression across the counter just like you can’t buy genuine Genius; it has to be bestowed!!!!

12. Have a nice Night!


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