Thursday, October 15, 2009

SDM: Acknowledgments



After my retirement, many of my well-wishers kept in touch with me, and this wonderful gesture on their part helped me overcome my retirement blues.

They also encouraged me to write this article on SDM, read drafts of these files, gave me feed back, and suggested improvements. All of them are either my ex-students or younger colleagues and friends. I thank all of them for their support. Here are their names in dictionary order:

Aniket Basu, Anushree Roy, Arundhuti Ganguly, Indrajit Mitra, Jogia Bandyopadhyay, Krishna Kumar, Pratik Khastgir, Samit Ray, Sayan Kar and Shyamal Chakrabarti.

Professor N. P. Rao (IE & M) was my contemporary and close friend at IIT KGP. All these tales were first told to him 35 years ago as and when these events unfolded, and are being retold to you now from long term memory. He saw SDM and perhaps talked to him too. I thank him for encouraging me, going through these files; suggesting important changes and implicitly vouching for their veracity.

Professor Amalendu Mukherjee (ME), Professor Mainak Sengupta (EE) and Dr. L. V. K. Moorthy (M.B.B.S.) read these files and gave their knowledgeable approval, for which I am indebted.

I am grateful to Professor K. L. Chopra for kindly going through these files and suggesting a much improved sub-title.

Thanks are also due to my wife Rukmini for her encouragement and my son Shreenath for help with the computer.

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