Sunday, May 22, 2011

Recycled Carnations


For me Reincarnation is a Fact.

It is not a matter of Faith, Theory or Surmise.

It is as much of an obvious Fact to me as the God Particle.

That brings us to God and Heaven.

Hyderabadis normally are obsessed with Money, Caste Politics and Sleaze, and have no time for anything else. But these days I see inflamed Letters to the Editor questioning the right of our Chair-Man trying to rob them of their favorite Personal Heaven. They ask, pertinently, what business is it of he to dabble in religious matters...they never questioned his equally invisible Black Holes, did they?

O, well!

Whenever I used to talk cogently of Reincarnation, my friend DB used to question it. He of course belonged to the now-defunct Left Intellectual Clan.

That brings us to our Karate Champion who single-handedly did what even the Marylin-Borne Kennedy couldn't do.

It is not that he wasn't forewarned: I cautioned him more than two years ago:


Friday, April 17, 2009

Chairman Mao's Karat(e) Guide


"Indian Communists are regressive; from British Rule till now": Manmohan Singh

Mao's Precepts

Give them food, they ask sex;
Give them sex, they ask house;
Give them house, they ask job;
Give them job, they ask news;
Give them news, they ask vote;

Then Freedom, that's your Doom;
Brinda swept by Mamata's broom!



Learn from My Lai
& Dalai;

Food's ticket for Tibet!


In the process he dumped my favorite Buddha in the Calcutta Black Hole.

Buddha kept quiet when He was asked if there is God.

He also kept quiet when He was asked if there is no God.

How clever!

But Buddha did talk of Reincarnation of Himself as, if I recall right, 27 Bodhisattvas (I beg to be corrected).

Anyway, whenever DB used to doubt Reincarnation, I used to drag him by hand to the Chamber of Professor X, our common detractor.

Incidentally, whenever anyone spoke of his Office as 'Chamber' I used to recall the heavily disputed Nazi Gas Chambers.

This Prof X used to keep his door always open whenever he was 'in'; I can't guess why.

And then, pointing to him, I would ask DB if so much goofiness can be accumulated in one lifetime, however hard he tried.

The force of my logic used to swamp DB's Leftover qualms awash.

After all Mother Earth's crust is a fairly 'closed system', no?

So, it is just a matter of recycling the genetic soup.

Well, not exactly perhaps...Mother Earth, I am told, is constantly gaining weight like Queen Victoria due to the cosmic dust she absorbs...but it only adds to the soup.

Concerning Heaven, let me state that just watching Ishani grow hour by hour is a Heavenly Experience.

I would strongly recommend my readers to marry early and get one or two grandkids instead of wasting time in their fruitless postdoc labors.

In this context I must remove a serious misconception of Siddhartha (another name for Buddha) who seems to think that the COST of a Happy Marriage is

No, no!!!

It is its Annual Worth!

About 10 Postdoc Schols.


Tailpiece: Lovely Names

Jenabai Daruwali
Gangubai Kathiawadi
Dono theey Mumbaiwali
Dono theey 'Don'nie Rani!

Good Night!


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