Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tamaso Ma - 1




I am now  2 weeks into my post-cataract-surgery. And 2 more weeks to go before I get my reading glasses and return to my normal life. I can't read now...except large fonts at a distance.

But the far vision is more than restored magically in the right eye which went practically blind...98% declared gone....the left eye is 65% gone and has to be tackled sooner than later.

I can see with my right eye as good as Ishani does. I guess I had such clear vision when I was at school in Muthukur.

I can't say it is all for the best...the world has now become an inescapable Reality Show...I see all those tiny spiders at the corners of the walls, and wrinkles on my throat in the mirror.

But I can walk freely and drive night and day without stopping every time I see a vehicle on the road or in the side-view mirror. And I can climb down steps without catching a rail or probing. 

So far so good.

But it has been a punishing two weeks...well worth it perhaps.

As Sam Weller said:

". . . vether it's worth while goin' through so much, to learn so little, as the charity-boy said ven he got to the end of the alphabet, is a matter o' taste."


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