Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Vital Stats


 Ah...finally it happened!

One of the posts in this blog: 

has accrued 10,000 pageviews (almost).

I was boasting of this achievement to my son who is a Project Manager (he manages his stats well enough):

"One of my posts has been read by ten thousand people" 

He retorted, trying to deflate me:

"No, it only means that it has been viewed ten thousand times"

This comment meant two things:

1. It has not been read, but only viewed

2. Some may have viewed it more than once 

The first is ok with me...Swami Vivekananda is reputed to read a page just by viewing 'cross-reading'.

The second, I take it as an even better compliment: it means that some people (other than myself) have read it more than once. This reminds me of our Das Babu who used to sell us life insurance at IIT KGP. Once he was trying to sell what he called Double Accident Benefit Scheme to my friend NP. And said:

"If you lose one leg, you get double the insured sum; if you lose both your legs, it is even more better...taato aaro vu bhalo! get double of that!"

Here are more stats to cheer an unemployed old loafer:

1. Total number of Pageviews: 1,50,000 (almost) 

2. Pageviews from United States: 50,000 (almost)

3. Pageviews from India: 40,000 (almost)

The rest are from all inhabited continents.

4. Profile views: 5310 (exactly)

Just shows that even rocks and mountains can be ground into dust by perennial rivers flowing without remorse.

5. Total number of posts: 1642 (including this)




dreamer said...

Dear Sir,

I enjoy reading your blogs and the stories of Muthukur and your childhood experiences remind me of stories my father used to tell me about their childhood in Pekeru, WG district. I was fortunate to be in the jumbo class of 2004, in the three-issue Ansatz affair and have been hooked to your articles ever since. Me, Varun and his mother visited you at your lovely home once. Thank you very much for your blog which is informative, humorous and reminds me of my roots. Congratulations on the impressive stats, I'm not surpised.


G P Sastry ( said...

Dear Srikant:

My son, his wife, little Ishani, and I recall fondly your visit to our place driving down Varun and his mother on a breezy afternoon.

I also recall fondly my last semester of teaching at IIT KGP to your batch in 2004. It was the first time I took a class of 350 students in the newly built Vikramshila. You were all in your first semester at IIT then and were very stiff and scared till your midsem exams, after which you learned to relax (for the next five years I guess). And your class turned friendlier after the midsems and many started bunking happily (for both the teacher and the taught). I turned the lecture class into a vast tutorial and was facing you all the time and walking up and down the aisle 'viewing' your notebooks. Towards the end of the semester, once when I was walking down the steps in the class, there was a loud whistle from one of the backbenchers (no doubt from AP. And I regretted that I never learned to has great physics in it. Had I learned whistling in my school days at Muthukur, I would surely have returned the whistle and talked about it.

