Thursday, March 31, 2016

Mohan flatters Modi


This (mutilated) Letter appeared in today's DC:


In his article Economy: Time to get real (March 31) Mohan Guruswamy has made a mistake about King Canute. The Wikipedia says that Canute's name is usually quoted in the context of the story King Canute and the Waves, but that misrepresents Canute as a deluded man who believed that he had supernatural powers. The original story says the opposite and portrays him as a wise king. 

G. P. Sastry

Mohan Guruswamy is an intellectual and as such a scholarly baiter of Modijee. And compares him repeatedly with the popular version of King Canute as a cheap boaster. But in the process Mohanjee glorifies Modijee as a wise and humble king who despises flattery (thank you!).

Read this lovely poem by William Makepeace Thackeray:


And he sternly bade them never more to kneel to human clay,
But alone to praise and worship That which earth and seas obey:
And his golden crown of empire never wore he from that day.
King Canute is dead and gone: Parasites exist alway.

...Posted by Ishani


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