Saturday, October 16, 2010

Virtual Wealth




Dear Sir:

fix the time problem in your blog.

It is quite maddening.

I check at various times of the day and all of a sudden there is a post and from the time of the post it looks like it has been there for at least two days and gives me the feeling I have not been following your blog at all.

Feels like I have been dozing in your lecture.




Dear Aniket:

.....The more maddening thing is the date problem:

I compose and save it today (it remembers only the date I First Compose & Save; actually a day before that in California where I guess the Server is).

And if I 'Publish' it tomorrow, it will not show the 'Published' date but the First Saved date; that is yesterday for tomorrow, that is day before yesterday at Calif.

For instance the Post: Reading & Seeing which I 'Published' this morning (Sunday, 10th October) has the date tag of day before yesterday (Friday 8 October)!!!

never thought that there will be a Blogger who would compose, save, revise it ten times, sleep on it, revise it again and then 'Publish'!

Worse happens if I don't 'Publish' today's Post tomorrow, because a new thing crops up and will be 'Published' tomorrow (that is: tagged day before the day before tomorrow).

And then I 'Publish' the Saved thing day after tomorrow. Then the idiot appears BELOW tomorrow's and will be LOST for daily readers.

So, I will have to open a New Post, copy-paste it tomorrow before 'Publishing' it.

For instance there is a Post which I Composed and Saved a month back: "Complexification". I am keeping it as a Reserve when the bag gets empty, since it is a Physics blog and will not interest my latest Moldova 'Audience' who has read 27 posts in a single day as per the Blogspot gul. If I release it tomorrow carelessly and hastily, it will sink below the post that appeared thirty days before and you will think that I missed a day's blog and get worried.

The entire trouble is because Google never thought that there will be a Goof sitting in Hyderabad (India) and blogging one post a day for a good 7 long months (i.e. 200 odd posts).

It is all that SIMPLE & ELEMENTARY!!!




Dear gps,

Yes it is simple and elementary.

Your mail reminds
me of the `Playground Rhyme'.

I Went To the Pictures Tomorrow
I got a front seat at the back,
I fell from the pit to the gallery,
And broke a front bone in my back.

A lady she gave me some chocolate,
I ate it and gave it her back.
I phoned for a taxi and walked it,
And that's why I never came back.



I KNOW there must be a simple trick-setting I ought to rectify; but then all fun will be lost; in addition to ONE Post, viz. today's; i.e. yesterday's, I mean dated day before yesterday!

I spend 10 hours on each Post. At 10 Dollars per hour, it is 100 Dollars per Post. I Created 400 Posts so far. That is 40,000 Dollars. At the average black rate of 50 Rupees per Dollar that works out to 2 Milion Rupees of Wealth I Created in 2 years in the Blogosphere.

I am hereby donating ALL of this Virtual Wealth I Created to Virtual Charities before my Real Income Tax Commissioner @ Hyderabad reads this......



Varun N. Achar said...

Dear Sir, Google did not forget to accommodate for the perfectionists who like to edit umpteen times. In fact, you can set any date and time of your choice by clicking on "Post Options" when you compose (I am assuming you use Blogger).

G P Sastry ( said...

.....Trust Varun to steal my Virtual Wealth; and Pratik's Playground Rhymes...

