Arctic ice cap increases by 60% in a year
Earlier reports predicted Arctic would be ice-free in 2013
London Sept 8: A chilly Arctic summer has left nearly a million more square miles of ocean covered with ice than at the same time last year --- an increase of 60%.
The rebound from 2012's record low comes six years after the BBC reported that global warming would leave the Arctic ice free by summer by 2013.
Instead, days before the annual autumnal re-freeze is due to begin, an unbroken ice sheet more than half the size of Europe stretches from the Canadian islands to Russia's northern shores. The Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific has remained blocked by pack-ice all year. More than 20 yachts that planned to sail it have been left ice-bound and a cruise ship attempting the route was forced to turn back.
Some eminent scientists now believe the world is heading for a period of cooling that will not end until the middle of this century --- a process that would expose computer forecasts of imminent catastrophic warming as dangerously misleading...
...DC Page 9 Monday 9 September 2013
Ah! That must be sweet news for Didi. Arctic ice caps are NOT melting. Oceans are not rising. Calcutta is no longer in danger of being drowned by the Bay of Bengal.
This recession from global warming must also be heart-warming to China and India among other developing nations that were being screwed by the US. No more accounting for carbon footprints...and carbon discredits. We can now burn more petrol, diesel and coal...if only our Rupee starts warming up again and our coal files are found.
And we can raise more buffaloes without the US accusing us of dangerous methane emissions from their exhaust pipes. The US was envious that the Operation Flood that involved our Indian buffaloes and Verghese Kurien (Bless his soul! is exactly a year since he left us) made us the largest milk-producing nation surpassing the US.
But all this good news leaves the weather pundits with a whale of a dino's egg on their face. They were more confident of their global warming predictions than physicists of their goddamned particle.
The bitter truth is that the incestuous mess of our atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere....not to talk of our too complicated a system involving physics, chemistry, geology, biology and psychology for any pundit to model it and make long-term predictions.
But our weather scientists may be repeatedly raped by their models, yet they are our bravehearts. When the summer temperatures in California break all records, they simper with an "I told you so!". And when the next winter brings mounds of unprecedented ice on even New York City, they would say that it is a freak local thing...just you wait.
They would now be preparing excuses for those lousy Arctic ice caps. When the ice reaches and tries to devour Scotland, they would exult saying that the world had heeded their warming warnings, but excessively so. And would advise all governments to start burning more coal, petrol and woods...till they say 'Nevermore' like Poe's Raven .
Weather science is next only to Economics in its profligate predictions. I recall that a couple of economists won their Nobels for their models...only to find that they were completely wrong only the next year.
What about a Nobel for Weather Science? I guess it is no worse than the Peace thing Nehru so badly craved that he wanted peace with our western and northern neighbors...and died heartbroken. While the guy who won the Peace Prize a bit prematurely is now planning war games against Syria. There ought to be a Nobel for War. And the US will win it consistently...I read that their economy and politics can't flourish without provoking war somewhere or other, far or near.
Talking of sciences, our ancient Indian Pundits played it safe....they never indulged in science as we know it. They never made measurable predictions. They didn't even invent the clinical thermometer my Father was so fond of. They never discovered bacteria. The supposed atomic hypothesis of Kanaada is bogus. He didn't know the Periodic Table that was my bugbear. They were happy with a flat earth, a flat hell, and a flat heaven.
But they were one-up on their Western counterparts as far as the Ascent of Man (as opposed to the Darwinian Descent of Man) went. The Holy Bible, excuse me, is all wrong as of now in its says God created everything at one stroke in six days and went to bed on the seventh.
On the other hand, our Dashavatars are more in tune with modern science.
They say that it all began with oceans and then fish arrived in them. And then the amphibian turtle crawled out so slow in its gait. And then the fast Boar. And then half-man half-lion. And then the midget. And then full grown men with axes, plows, and bows and arrows as their weaponry. And then the man with the whirling missile. And then the man of peace. And finally the man of war and holocaust.
The preamble to the final holocaust was Hitler...heralding our Kalki. Much like John the Baptist heralded Jesus.
Hitler didn't succeed in getting the earth rid of all non-Aryans though he tried his best. But he did the next best...he got rid of the unholy British Empire wiping it out like I used to wipe out my mistakes on the blackboard hurriedly.
Let us wait for Kalki and see where he rises from to achieve the final sublimation of life from earth.
So Long!
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