Friday, January 21, 2011

viva la Wodehousiana!


They may say so or not but most of the dozen regular readers of my blogs
envy my time on this planet and refuse to believe that I have always been heartbroken {;-}

As my contemporary B-i-L Sri G Ranga Rao, IAS said: "Fact and fiction merge so seamlessly in your writings that it is impossible to decipher them, but who cares!"

Some may love to denounce me and my writings but the principal characters of my stories can't be contacted except via Planchette.

I wish however that DB were here and net-savvy: he would have loved each word of what I write even though he might be cursing me for my half-truths with his familiar: "Saalah B*****d!" oath.

Let us take my Magnum Opus: SDM Homage:

It was supposed to appear in the same issue of Ansatz as an independent Piece by DB; but unfortunately he got to see my manuscript before he wrote up his. This is a disappointment because our independent versions of SDM would have been like the two sides of the Moon.

As such my SDM Homage stands like the original Valmiki Ramayan: many dozens of versions of it from Tulsidas's (not DT's) to RKN's via Rajajee's have had to follow Valmiki's script even when the screenplay differed. The couple of Dravidians whose Raam was the Devil himself and Raavan the sublime Angel couldn't call their works Ramayan but had to title them as something like Keemayan.

I was re-reading the Piece: Bharavi's Atonement yesterday:

Saswat (who prefers to be labeled: Shashwat) and Aniket called it a Riot. The original story is poignant and serious if not sublime. My version is indeed a travesty of the original:


1: a burlesque translation or literary or artistic imitation usually grotesquely incongruous in style, treatment, or subject matter

2 : a debased, distorted, or grossly inferior imitation


But there were indeed a couple of touching moments alright.

Hear what Wodehouse says:

"I believe there are two ways of writing novels. One is mine, making a sort of musical comedy without music and ignoring real life altogether; the other is going right deep down into life and not caring a damn"

viva la Wodehousiana!


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