Saturday, January 8, 2011



Here is the Chronology of Momentous Events in an Uneventful Life:

1. Arithmetic to Algebra: Let x be the required number of mangoes...what a relief from the Undependable Rule of 3!!!

2. Hormonal Things: Coeval with Algebra full of the first Tender Feelings and Self-Discovery {;-}

3. Leaving Home: No more parental the care of Loving but Disciplining Uncles and Aunties

4. Borda' Pendulum: First Physics Lab all alone with a massive hanging metal sphere, a telescope, pin and a stopwatch..took 3 days to focus...but the Ghost of Phy Lab exorcised once for all

5. Research Scholarship: All bad except for no more Money Orders...first taste of financial independence and payback to the family

6. Faculty @ IIT KGP: First Tutorial Class with Attendance Register, Chalk Piece and Duster...Learning Physics from Arjun Malhotras for the next 40 years....First Bank Account & the First PF Loan..being hailed Kaku instead of Dada in the Tech Market

7. Marriage: The thud within happened while crossing the Overbridge at Tirupati an hour after the the words of the Princeton KK: "Funeral of Bachelorhood's Freedoms"

8. Fatherhood: This thud happened while crossing Nagpur on way to Jalgaon and the newborn son...the memeory never leaves...gps is FATHER!!!

9. Death in the Family: Losing Father defies description

10. Retirement: What a Relief from 3-hour Labs & 3-hour Invigilation Duties!...expecting Eternal Harry's nook

11. Culture Shock: From liberal Bengal's KGP Campus to hidebound AP's Hyderabad and the new norms...biggest change in life and down in the dumps for 2 good years

12. Rehabilitation: Being asked by Sayan to write a Piece on SDM..I can Write!!!!

13. Son's Marriage: The best thing that happened..Advent of a brand-new loving member into the Family..this time a Daughter

14. Blogoshpere: Discovering the Best of All Spheres..from Borda's Pendulum to the Celestial Sphere

15. Granpa gps: Greatest thing that has happened in Life..watching the girl kid grow and charm everyone around

16. Back in Touch: Back with a Bang again in touch with former students, colleagues and well-wishers....thanx to Blogger!


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