Tuesday, February 1, 2011



Saswat writes:


Dear Sir,

A funny article that my Professor friend sent a few of my langotia yaars. I am forwarding it to you for fun reading (I almost feel the readers of your blog might find it funny too. Well, at least those who don't mind laughing at own's expense).



Supratim writes:


Dear Sir,

Since you blogged today about "Conceit", I thought I would send all of you an article on "arrogance among physicists" that I came across recently via the "nanopolitan" blog.


The more recent rebuttal can be found at


What do you think ? Are Physicists more arrogant than other scientists ? I think so based on my limited experience in both the physics and bio worlds.


Pratik writes:


Dear gps,

DB's `obituary' was moving...

I don't know about others but for sometime I am feeling that there is an implicit sad note playing in your blogs intermittently.


Dear All:

There is no doubt that I feel sad and depressed when I write about DB since our Joint Occupancy of C-239 lasted a mere two short decades.

And a sense of jubilation when I write about SDM since my sentence under him lasted a long 5 years.

But a sense of equanimity has been restored after I read yesterday the following Postscript to the latest Edition of Parashram's Ulat Puran:




2030 AD:


Ishani (20) is rudely woken up by her mom at 9 AM (TLT: Telengana Local Time) so she can start her 5-minute commute to the Punjagutta Branch of the State Bank of Telengana (SBT) where she slogs between 10 AM and 4 PM everyday for FOUR long weekdays.

There are long queues from NYC to Boston, LA to the Bay Area, and Houston to Dallas for limited seats in Voice Training in Telenganu at the Telengana University, KCR Nagar, Telenganabad (Bharat;...earlier known as India).

The Governor of Illinois is on hunger strike in front of the Chicago Branch of SBT for more jobs for his State in SBT BPOs.

Terrific demand for American BPO workers of SBT Branches all over the USA:

They have to work for a mere 12 hours between 6 PM evening and 6 AM next morning just seven days a week.

The attraction is that their pay is in the strong Indian Rupee instead of the weak Dollar (1 Rupee = $ 45.3 ).

The Rupee gold coin minted in Telenganabad has the cute picture of KCR on one side and the map of Telengana on the other...this is a Bonus Privilege if they want to be paid in coins instead of currency notes which are also gold-plated.

Also the Americans will be served Free Unlimited Chicken Biryani and Neera (Coconut water with 1% alcohol).

But they have to wear Jeans and T- Shirts (white, with picture of KCR on one side and the names, in chronological order, of the 2567 Telengana Martyrs on the other in close print which they have to mug up.... a small concession to their payment in Rupees....) manufactured in NJ Factories working overtime...



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