Saturday, February 19, 2011

Simple Complexes


Listed below are some of the psychological complexes, most of which are Complex Complexes:

Freudian: Oedipus complex, Castration complex (see also Gender narcissism), Electra complex (see also penis envy)

: anima, animus, puer, senex, father, shadow

: God complex, Inferiority complex, Messianic complex, Napoleon complex, Persecution complex, Superiority complex

Used in Cultural Terms
: "Rubik's Complex" (see Rubik's cube) , "Ostrich Complex" , "Stand Alone Complex" (see Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex)



........just to show how vast and fertile the Crazy Field is for a psycho-blogger.

But if you think I am going to talk about each and everyone of these in this blog, you have read your gps well but not wisely.

There are only two of the above, which ALL of us are home to.

Let us call them Simple Complexes unlike, let us say, the Napoleon Complex which I haven't met face to face with in any of my hundred odd acquaintances; not even in my erstwhile Pygmy Professor of Complex Variables @ IIT KGP who used to declare in his First Lecture:

"The subject of Complex Variables is pervaded by the Imaginary Number i: like my small i (4ft 4 inches) unlike my Capital I (Greatest Mathematician in Eastern India).

The two I am talking of are: Inferiority Complex & Superiority Complex.

If anyone says that he is totally free from these two Complexes, he is suffering from a Complex Complex like, say, God Complex or even Stand Alone Complex if not the even more obstinate Ostrich Complex (see above).

To tell you the Truth, I did meet a couple of these obscure Complex Cases: but both of them were Professional Psychiatrists, which is understandable if not excusable: they are constantly in touch (holding hands) with folks who claim they are Paid Agents of either God or the Devil or both alternately on New Moon and Full Moon (Lunar Bipolar Disorder), and so they can't decide which of the two Simple Complexes they themselves house, since both these Simple Complexes are Relative and not Absolute (Full Moon and New Moon, i.e. the other way round than their patients).


I think I have been unusually abstruse there.

So, let me take the concrete Case of Prof X:

If he is convinced that he is vastly superior to everyone else in his Dept and it troubles him because he deserves better colleagues like in MIT, all that he has to do to get rid of this troublesome Simple Complex is to invite his M-i-L to stay with him for a week.

Now, unlike his F-i-L who rejoices that his daughter has found a good husband (as long as she doesn't return to his cozy nest for good), the M-i-L is convinced that if only she waited a little longer, her darling daughter would surely have found what she truly deserved; viz. Obama.

But one has to just ask what Obama's M-i-L feels; I am not so sure.....

Now, from the moment the said Prof X wakes up and sits at his Breakfast Table, he is under intense scrutiny...either his eyes look too small and shifty like a Giant Panda or big and roving like a Great Horned Owl.

....And the merciless scrutiny goes downwards and downwards till it reaches the Prof's club feet.

And since M-i-L's are traditionally inspoken and Prof X is not a mind-reader, being a Prof of Navel Architecture {;-}, he is always left in doubt and his mind is clouded by uncertainty and his Lectures tend to ramble and his Lab gives him back-kicks and his students tend to look out the window...and within a week his Superiority Complex is 'melted into air, into thin air' like the Spirits in those marvelous lines of Prospero I quoted a few blogs back.


Now, let us turn to the Case of Prof Y.

He is the other way round...he feels inferior to all his Departmental Colleagues since he is condemned to take the First Year Lab all his life...since he never learned Electronics.

...All he has to do to get over his Complex, if he wishes to, is to invite his saala (b-i-l of the Lower Case) who works in the Central Services, and so, after passing his Entrance Exam at the tender age of 21, he never had the opportunity to learn anything but Central Servicing and it is easy to armtwist him by asking him to tell the first three decimals of pi which every moron ought to know in his opinion...


After talking about the Simple Complexes and how to get rid of them within a week, we now come to the more recalcitrant Complex called the Deans Complex.

This is not a Complex residing in an individual, but in a Building or an Air-Conditioned Annexe of the Director's Office, housing generally four important Deans (the other four reside in humbler cubicles far away from the Power Center).

This Deans Complex is home to a Passing Show of VIPs (not VVIPs yet), since the term of any Dean is restricted to 3 years unless he or she gets the Lateral Arabesque or Percussive Sublimation of the celebrated Peter's Principle before that.

So, the tenants of this Complex suffer from Insomnia, Amnesia, Neurolgia, Causalgia and Xerophthalmia just to find a rhyming word..

These neurological per'fumes' tend to pervade the Aether of the Deans Complex like a
Cariosus Allium Cepa, cut and left uncovered overnight in a closed kitchen; and are difficult to treat unless Fresh Oxygen-Rich air is recirculated.


I think that should just about do for a Blog Post done in a hurry...whole day today we were looking out for a less stinking apartment than we are now living in...which sort of breeds rancor even in the most amiable soul.


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