Sunday, April 17, 2011

Blogsworth - 3


Dear Professor Sastry,

How are you?? I don't know whether you will remember me, but I was in your Physics class at KGP in Spring 2002 - which remains one of the finest classes I have ever participated in. Just by chance, I happened to search Google with your name and came across your blog from which I took your email address. Where are you these days? Hyderabad?

Things are fine with me. Right now, I am pursuing a PhD in Anthropology in the US....

Once in class, when someone asked you about grades, you had said something to the effect that "those scoring over 25 will qualify for an Ex, and if you score over 30, then I will recommend to the Dean that your branch be changed to Physics". In the pin drop silence that suddenly enveloped the class, you laughed and said "Don't worry. I know Physics is for people who don't score top marks in their exams", or something to that effect. There was palpable relief in the room, along with loud laughter.
Well, I am quite happy to tell you that I am now doing something even more unfashionable - Anthropology ..

Dear AA:

It feels great to receive your mail...quite a surprise.

I can't easily forget you because you were the only kid in the Jumbo Physics Class that I taught for 5 years to point out a serious flaw in one of the Crystal Optics Figures in our Lecture Notes. I at once rushed to Thacker's to make the needed correction in our manuscript so that the next editions are free from this error (there surely must be many others).

By and large, students of Engg think that Physics is a necessary evil to get them into IIT and then kick it away like a bamboo scaffolding for their future careers (unless they want a Branch Change, unlike you). It is precisely to avoid these tired and tiresome souls that I never took attendance in any of my Jumbo Theory Classes much to the chagrin of our higher authorities. Curiously though, one of your classmates insisted (privately) that I keep a record of his 100% attendance. The pleasure was entirely mine {;-}

As is my custom, when you pointed out my mistake in the diagram, I hastened to convert it into a compliment saying: "That shows I haven't topoed the Lecture Notes from Jenkins & White". It is always our original mistakes rather than borrowed verities that enhance our understanding.

You and I left KGP at about the same time (you into your future career and I into my past). But it is strange both of us abandoned our Major Disciplines (you ECE and me Physics) to take up our queer pursuits (you Anthropology and I Blogology).

That is the strength of KGP Education...I too am an alumnus of KGP...I was given my relaxed Ph D by that Institution where, as another Aniket says, we served for 4 years and I for 40.

God Bless Us both!




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