Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Long Moments & Short Moments - Repeat Telecast


Long Moments are those when you feel a desperate urge to quit. 

Short Moments are those when you feel a desperate urge to cling.

Till she was 5 months old, Ishani's protests were meek....just a set of different squeals for milk, sleep, pain-relief and such which only her mom could decipher. From 6th month to 9 months they were vehement and loud against manifest injustices to her. 10th month on, it iswe who lodge our protests loudly and vehemently against her tyranny.

Nowadays from the moment she wakes up till she goes to sleep (suddenly in someone's unsuspecting lap) she keeps demanding wordlessly but eloquently why each of us is not loving her MORE. And we have to come up with lame excuses like: "I have to cook", "I have to go to Office", "I have to clean the utensils" or, "I have to blog"……….

Watching her mom give her a bath is like watching a Condensed Version of Life itself.

After getting all the paraphernalia in place, her mom would whisk her away from whatever she was doing amid loud protests and flailing of arms and legs.

The bath proceeds upwards from toes. Isahni is against all soaping and shampoo in principle as well as practice. And she lets it known loudly. The crescendo comes when finally her face is tackled mercilessly. She would shout in increasing decibels as her earlobes, innards of the mouth, nose, cheeks are cleaned...and finally when her head is shampooed and a dozen mugs of warm water poured on it with her eyes shut, it is her Long Moment..the whole Apartment Complex would know...

And as a lollipop for her recent Good Behavior, her mom would fill up a mini-tub with tepid water and let her loose in it in the sitting posture, with a couple of her favorite ducklings thrown in for company.

Everything is suddenly forgotten!

Ishani's joy knows no bounds. She would splash and thrash and kick and drum up the water in all corners of the tub turning round and round with hands and feet to her heart's content. And would tackle her ducks and drakes and give them their bath. Till the water gets cold and splashed out; and she would demand more mugs of warm water.....But alas, every good thing has to come to an end..... 

And her mom is back from whatever Post-Operative preparations and would try and lift Ishani out of her tub.

That is Ishani's Short Moment: she would refuse, decline, protest, hold the tub fast till she is disentangled, arms and legs flailing the air....but to no avail.

Well, each of us has their own list of Long and Short Moments in our Life. They are very precious... 

...Posted by Ishani


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