Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Fuzzy Logic - Repeat Telecast



This evening Ishani sailed into my room counting numbers aloud. In English. I asked her up to how many numbers she can count and she replied:

"Thirty eight"

I was quite amazed, for, at her age we could count only up to 10 because we had only ten fingers. And in Telugu. One of my classmates had an extra little finger and protested but he was made to conform by a clout on his head.

So I asked Ishani to count how many fingers she has. 

And she went about folding and unfolding her supple fingers and announced:


I asked her to redo it and this time she got 13 and the next time as many as 19.

And she was quite unfazed and was rather proud of it.

...Posted by Ishani


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